Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burning The Qu'ran: Not A Wise Idea.

I am not a religious individual. I have no affiliation to any one religion. However, I respect all religions the world over. Whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, agnostic, BizNastian, whatever it is, I have no problem with it. I never discriminate for any reason whatsoever. All are equal, and all have their own ways of finding meaning and guidance in life. No religion or way of life is held higher than another in my opinion.

However, not everyone feels this way, not everyone fells all religions should be practiced. This includes jackass pastor Terry Jones, from Florida. he thinks it is a genis idea to burn pieces of Islamic holy literature.

Few things make me angrier than people who go to extreme lengths to spit on another religion. The most insane, extreme, slap-in-the-face way to do this is to burn the holy texts of such a religion. In this case, the Qu'ran.

First off, what's the big deal? If one does not like another religion besides one's own, why bother saying anything about it? I realize this is the United States, and we have such freedom. But what freedom do we also have... oh that's right, freedom of religion. If I wanted to pray to Mecca, nobody could tell me I can't do that. But thanks to some outdated, radical prejudices, I'd probably get a lot of heat for it.

Jones knows nothing about the great Islamic faith, he admits this. He believes interfaith meetings are a part of the problem with this country and Christianity. He has never met a Muslim. And outside of whatever reports he sees on television, I'd bet my Ruskie-Polack ass that he's never SEEN one.

Interfaith meetings are not the problem. Bigots like Jones are the problem. People who can't get past the fact that not everybody thinks the way you do.

The Vatican has condemned this act. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and several others have denounced it. And I've read that he has a few hundred death threats, and is armed with a pistol. Pastors with guns: not just in the movies anymore.

Thou shalt not kill: sound familiar? One of the Ten Commandments, if I'm not mistaken. And here we have a pastor carrying around a deadly weapon, specifically designed for killing. Anything to protect himself from those radical, heathen Muslims, right?

Listen very carefully: this man has never met a Muslim. I, on the other hand, have known several. They are not the same mysterious sand people who want to fly planes into our buildings. Muslims are good-hearted, hard-working people just like you. The Islamic faith is based on unity and brotherhood. They are not the terrorists. The terrorists are the ones who interperet the great Islamic faith the wrong way. Much like the Christians who interperet the Bible the wrong way, and go around protesting at military funerals, and outside Jewish community centres, proclaiming "God loves dead soldiers," and "God hates fags," and "God hates America." Those people are no better than al-qaeda (ntentionally non-capitalized).

Muslims are peaceful people. Christian extremists are hell-bent on wiping their influence from the face of the earth. Me, I like to think I'm a man of peace. Even the worst killer should have a fair trial before being punished. But this man... I apologize for my harsh words, but he is a low-life, hatred-driven scumbag who has no business being alive anymore. His actions are doing absolutely nothing to help strengthen relations between Muslims and Americans. His hatred is what is wrong with this country, and why every day, I become less and less proud to be an American. All thanks to such shameful actions like this.

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